Schipper Ready To Smoke In The Smog
Craig Lord
The Aussie world record holder on 'fly says that stronger asthma medicine and vitamins are the solution to fighting any problems that asthma sufferers may encounter at the Games in polluted Beijing

Jessicah Schipper (AUS), world 'fly champion, today sends a message to the many asthma sufferers bound for Beijing: you can take stronger medication and vitamins, legally, to help you to fight the chronic pollution in the Chinese Olympic city.

World record holder in the 200m butterfly, Schipper tells the Auusie media today that she has learned from her mistakes at the Japan Open last August and is better prepared for the conditions she will face in Beijing.

Schipper, now 21, was just two when she took up swimming to combat asthma. She told AAP: 'I've just got to stay on top of my asthma as much as I can. In the Japan meet I got sick and it went from bad to worse when I was swimming. But I have changed my asthma medication since then, it is stronger so hopefully that will help. I have taken a lot of preventative asthma medication, heaps of vitamins to keep it under control over there.'