Swimming To A Better Start In Life
Craig Lord
Some of the world's top swimmers will race to raise funds so that children from less advantaged backgrounds can learn to swim on a journey of greater opportunity

Always great to see swimmers as role models standing up for the interests of people less fortunate, and in the States in March several big names will take the plunge in aid of the The S. W. I. M. Program, established in 2006 with the goal of helping teach the sport of swimming to low socio-economic children in Austin, Texas.

On Sunday, March 9, at the Lee and Joe Jamail Texas Swim Center in Austin, Texas, the Encore Swim Spectacular will features two hours of fast short-course racing led by Texas trio Ian Crocker, Aaron Peirsol, Brendan Hansen and featuring Cullen Jones, Roland Schoeman, Neil Walker, Tara Kirk, Dana Kirk, Nick Brunelli, Eric Shanteau, Matt Grevers, Dale Rogers, David Cromwell, Adam Ritter, Craig Chapman and Tommy Sacco.

World-record attempts are suggested. No specifics but the day might provide some new standards for those aiming to impress at the World s/c championships in April in the absence of the best from the United States. The Austin event will boast a live band and give fans a chance to see their heroes up close. For those lucky enough to be within reach, tickets can be purchased here.

Cromwell, who emerged as a world-class backstroke specialist last summer, with entries in the 2007 top 10 on 53.82 and 1:57.43, is a key player in the staging of the event. He wrote to say: 'I think that it's an important step in the swimming community: an event organized by elite swimmers, with the goal of helping the sport - both its public profile and expanding it to all socio-economic classes through the money raised for charity.'

Bravo. Here's to a fast day and a better future for those who may get a chance to take inspiration to aspiration on their own journey to achievement.